How much do full jaw implants cost? Missing teeth negatively affect our smile, and at the same time make eating meals very problematic. Often, pronunciation is also difficult, and additionally, the remaining teeth move in the mouth, which is certainly not very satisfactory. Fortunately, there is an effective solution to the problem, i.e. dental implants .
Dental implants – what exactly are they? Why should you choose dental implants? How much can dental implants cost us? Who should give up dental implants? In order to obtain answers to these questions, we invite you to read the following article, which will certainly dispel any doubts readers may have.
Dental implants – what are they exactly?
As you know, each of us would like to enjoy wonderful teeth. This is completely normal, unfortunately not possible in every case. For various reasons, an unpleasant incident may occur, as a result of which we lose permanent teeth. Fortunately, there is an interesting alternative, i.e. dental implants. It is a sure solution that replaces the natural tooth root that should be in our gums. Only when we manage to place the implant correctly, then it is possible to create a tooth crown, as a consequence, we will fill in the gaps in our mouth.
If we decided to define dental implants, then we could certainly say that they are specialized screws that are made of titanium or surgical steel – these elements are neutral for our body. They are screwed into the bone of our jaw. When the wound heals, it is possible to start the reconstruction of the tooth. This is one of the most effective methods that is able to imitate natural teeth, which is certainly noteworthy.
Why should you choose dental implants?
Many people wonder why investing in dental implants is worth attention. It is difficult to find a clear answer to this question, because the advantages of such a solution are really many. For some people, the absence of a single tooth in the jaw is completely normal. After all, it does not affect our health at first glance, and about 90 percent of the population suffers from tooth decay. Unfortunately, in practice, extraction has many consequences. First of all, the bone tissue, which is located in the area where the removed tooth was previously, dies.
In addition, the other teeth want to take over its functions, which leads to greater pressure and faster abrasion of the surface. This can lead to more serious problems. Therefore, the removed tooth is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a functional one. By choosing nil implants, we can enjoy not only a beautiful smile, but at the same time we contribute to the improvement of our health, which we may care about in a special way.
How much can dental implants cost us?
Since we already know how important the issue of dental implants is, as well as how many advantages this type of solution brings, it is worth considering the costs of such a solution. As it is commonly known, dental implants are the most durable and functional way to replace missing teeth. Therefore, many future patients may be curious about the cost they have to reckon with. Before we provide any indicative amounts, it should be noted in particular that these values may vary significantly. Many factors affect the final cost. One of them may be, for example, the type of implants.
Not without significance is their number or the region of the country in which the procedure is performed. Specialists pay attention even to the health of the patient. The individual preferences of the doctor also have their part. It turns out that the cost of one dental implant, including examinations, is around PLN 4,000. In practice, however, this value can vary significantly, so it is worth going for a free valuation to a specialist. Then we will know the exact costs, which will be supported by appropriate calculations.
Who should give up dental implants?
Despite the fact that implants are sometimes a salutary solution for some people, not everyone can benefit from them. There are numerous contraindications to implantation. However, in many cases, we should not make any decisions on our own about giving up this form of treatment. In any case, it is worth communicating with the implantologist and the attending physician.
General contraindications include the following: untreated caries, periodontitis, AIDS, alcoholism, drug addiction, osteoporosis, coagulation disorders, minors, unstable diabetes, cancer, serious mental illnesses, epilepsy, pregnancy. In the case of this type of ailments, we should give up dental implants, because they can be dangerous for us.